Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

Basic Social Science

Basic Social Science

Basic Sosial Science is knowledge that analyze about sosial’s problems, especially Indonesia’s problems. It has a main theme, that is interrelationship between human and surroundings. We use some theories by that very fact and consept that from pedagogist on social sciences area, example Sosial Geography, Sociology, Social Anthropology, Politist, Economic, Social Phsycology, and History.
Basic Social Science is an effort that can give general knowledge and basic knowledge about consepts that amendable to complete social’s event in order to get know moral value, perception, and intelectual activity of students in face of social’s area could improved. So that, the sensitivity of students on social’s area are bigger.
To know every social’s problems, we must identify the facts of social’s problems and get to know all of the social’s consept, so that this lesson, Basic Sosial Science distinguishable in three class, there are some problems that need an attention are :
1.      Some facts, that is social’s problems that could finished together.
2.      There’s a varity of group and other social’s unit on society, all of them have importance necessity, types of thought and types of their own rol, but also many similarity of importance necessity, types of thought and types of their own rol that bringing on conflicts or a relation of a friend of court and collaboration on our society.

Purpose of  Basic Social Science
Foster an intellectual activity conception and personality of students to get more extensive of intellectual activity and kinds of personality that expect of attitude students, especially related to attitudes and human roles in face of others on both sides.

Topical Subject of Basic Social Science
1.      The Meaning, back ground, and all about arrangement.
2.      Glance about Social Sciences, and  Basic Social Science.
3.      Dwellers, society, and cultural.
4.      Individual, relation, and society.
5.      Young man, socialisation, and role of young man on national development.
6.      Role of knowledge on development.
7.      Citizen and country.
8.      Country social veneering and similarity of degree.
9.      Village, country dwellers, and veneering of country.
10.  City, city dwellers, and veneering of city.
11.  Social conflicts.
12.  Social integration and national integration.
13.  Veneering and social change.
14.  Science, technology, and proverty.

The difference of Basic Social Science and Social Science
Both Basic Social Science and Social Science have similarities and differences.
The similarity :
a.       Both of them are object of important study to knowledge program.
b.      Both of them aren’t about dicipline of science that can stand-alone.
c.       Both of them have an item that consist of social fact and social problem.

The difference :
a.       Basic Social Science was gave in the College, social science was gave in elementary school and contuation.
b.       Basic Social Science is singular lesson whereas social science is a group of lesson amount.
c.       Basic Social Science is directed to form of attitude and personality, whereas social science is directed to form of knowledge and intellectual skill.

Programme Learning of Basic Social Science
1.      Social facts on the society, that is our social problems.
2.      Social concepts or the meanings of social facts measured up by basic concepts or only component that much needed to learn social problems that was studied in Social Science.